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The Impacts of Cloud9's inability to play Zven and Beserker

Did K1ng and Destiny let down Cloud9? Are passports the true rival of the organization?

The 2022 ‘League Championship Series (LCS) Summer Split started on the 17th of July. One of the League’s most famous teams, Cloud 9, decided to play Clavin Truong “K1ng” as their Bot laner and Mitchell Shaw “Destiny” as their Support.

Jesper Svenningsen “Zven” was supposed to play support and Kim Min-Cheol “Berserker” was supposed to play as the Bot Laner. Unfortunately due to passport issues with both players, they were unable to enter North America thus making them ineligible to play for the first two matches.

Does Destiny and K1ng have the experience?

Destiny has been a player since 2013, although with mild success. His most notable performance was coming 3rd in the 2020 LEC Spring Split whilst under Astralis (Formerly Origen)

Source: https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/De... has earned better results, earning consistent top places in Academy tournaments and the OPL. But his success at the highest level (Worlds) has never been noteworthy. In the teams he has been with they have consistently scored low.

Source: https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/K1... on the other hand has earned the “Pro-Team” award in both Europe and North America 10 times. It is an award to recognize the top three players of each role within the championship series. Zven is one of the most famous and well-performing pros in the game.

Source: https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Zv... is less renowned than Zven. Especially because he has only been playing since 2020. But since then he has won high places in the LCK (League Championship Korea) under SKT1 Academy. Not only is Korea known as the highest skilled region. Producing talent like “Faker” and “Deft” who are some of the best players to grace the game. But he also played under SKT1, one of the best performing teams in Competitive League of Legends history.

Source: https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Be... it would be safe to say K1ng and Destiny are outrivaled in maybe not experience, but skill.

So how did this affect Cloud9?

Cloud9 faced off against Evil Geniuses in their first game. And doubts came in the pre-game talk. With Analyst Jousha Leesman “Jatt” commenting “If Zven and Berserker could get in the country that would be huge” Indicating a clear need for these players to show up.Shown again with Two out of three Analysts at the time voting that Evil Geniuses would win: Emily Rand, and James Patterson “Dash” voted for EG, whilst Barento Mohammed “Raz”, voted in favor of Cloud9.

This was proven within the game as well. The role of the Bot Laner is to acquire kills and do damage. K1ng acquired 0 kills compared to his enemy Bot Laner “Danny” who earned 7. K1ng dealt “16,649” Damage compared to Danny’s “78,247” even though K1ng was playing Senna, a champion that takes a lot longer to become impactful within the game, he was unable to contribute. Healing his teammates for “13,217”, nearly the same amount as the damage he did.

Source: https://gol.gg/game/stats/40630/page-fullstats/

Blaber, Jensen and Fudge were the most impactful players, but the hole left behind by K1ng was too great it seems.

It is hard to determine whether or not Destiny’s play was impactful, as support is the least impactful role. Although the analyst: Issacs Cummings-Bentley (Azael) commented in Cloud 9’s second game “K1ng and Destiny I thought were solid, but not standout.” With how well Berserker and Zven can perform, it seems they need that “standout” play.

In Cloud 9’s second game the analysts predicted they would win. Although they would end up losing. Despite the fact K1ng and the enemy Bot laner Stixxay would have similar performances. David Turley “Phreak” would comment “(Stixxaxy and Olleh) They just kinda crushed onto K1ng” and “I expect Berserker and Zven to look a lot better in this”

Cloud9 would draft Destiny and K1ng for a 3rd game. Which they faced against Team Liquid which they would also lose.

But what now?

After Cloud9’s 3rd game against Team Liquid, Zven and Berserker have been playing and have won both of the games they have played in, versus Dignitas and 100 Thieves. So it seems like Cloud9 is back on its feet. And could easily continue this momentum now that they have a full roster of experienced pro players.

Destiny and K1ng are substitutes for Zven and Berserker. But due to their performance, it is unlikely that they will see play a fourth time.. Unless Zven and Berserker lose their passports again